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Because many people invest time in randomizer racing, the Hollow Knight Speedrunning Community occasionally hosts tournaments for racers to prove their prowess! These tournaments are usually organized in the discord server and restreamed on our community Twitch channel (though this hasn't always been the case).

Tournament races are considered to be more competitive than non-tournament races. They generally consist of only one format and may have tournament-specific rules. Tournaments, if restreamed, are almost always streamed live.

For an explanation of individual formats that may be used in tournaments, see the formats page.

2024 Blackout TE Tournament

The BOTE 2024 tournament ran from June 15th, 2024 to October 11th, 2024. The tournament format began with a group stage, where the 25 teams were sorted into 5 groups of 5, and each team played each of the other teams in their own group twice. The 8 top teams advanced to a double-elimination bracket based on a combination of wins and tiebreaker points scored.

Tiebreaker points are calculated by taking the sum of a team's opponent's scores in matches that the team won, and subtracting it from the sum of the tiebreaker points the team gained in matches that they lost. Per match, a team can gain or lose 31 tiebreaker points: 25 for the losing team's score on the bingo board, and 6 for the losing team's progress towards TE (3 white fragments and 3 dreamers).

Like the previous 2023 All Majors Tournament, this tournament allowed gimmicks! Gimmicks are settings that are added to the randomized pool beyond the default settings to help spice up each match. Both teams offered the other team a list of three potential gimmicks, and one would be picked from each list. Gimmicks were optional for the first round, but every round in the rest of the tournament were required to have a minimum of two gimmicks.

The list of gimmicks that were allowed for the 2024 Blackout TE tournament bracket stage are:

Gimmicks that randomize additional checks: Grimmkin Flames, Whispering Roots + Ghost essence, Lore Tablets + Mr Mushroom, Randomized Focus

Settings that alter logic with skips: These have been condensed into a single gimmick including Precise Movement, Background and Enemy Pogos, Infection Skips, and No Swim/No Tear!

Settings that alter how rando functions: Lemm/Junk Shops, replace the top left goal of the board with Complete Colosseum 3

Gimmicks voted upon by rando community: Replace the middle goal of the board with "obtain 46 grubs"; Map-Area randomizer; Access Randomizer (chains + unique keys + respect), Split Claw, Randomized Levers, More Doors (all doors, no keys), the Real Journal Rando (no notes, no bonus entries), Cursed Nail.

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The winners of this tournament were Kuroshi and Quatopine.



Bracket Stage

Group Stage

2023 All Majors Tournament

The tournament was a 2v2 All Major Items TE double-elimination tournament. All matches were best of 1s until the end of the tournament. Winner's and Loser's finals were best of 3s, and Grand Finals was a best of 5 with a one-game advantage to the team in the upper bracket.

All Majors is a semi-spoiler format. For more information, see the formats page. For this tournament, the items that were required to be obtained are:

Mothwing Cloak (x2), Shade Cloak, Mantis Claw, Crystal Heart, Monarch Wings (x2), Isma's Tear, Swim

Dream Nail (x2), Dreamgate, Awoken Dream Nail, Lurien, Monomon, Herrah, White Fragment, Kingsoul, Void Heart

Vengeful Spirit (x2), Shade Soul, Desolate Dive (x2), Descending Dark, Howling Wraiths (x2), Abyss Shriek

Nail Upgrade (x4), Dash Slash, Cyclone Slash, Great Slash

King's Brand, Lumafly Lantern, Tram Pass, Elevator Pass, City Crest

Shopkeeper's Key, Elegant Key, Love Key, Grimmchild, Defender's Crest, Spore Shroom


"Gimmicks" in this tournament were items that were added to the randomized pool beyond the default settings to help spice up each match. The first match was played without gimmicks; however, starting with winner's round 2 and loser's round 2, players were required to add at least one gimmick to the settings.

To select gimmicks, the team with the higher seed would propose a list of three gimmicks and the team with the lower seed would be required to pick one. They would repeat the process with the lower seed proposing gimmicks and the higher seed picking, and the match would be played with those two gimmicks. Teams were also allowed to propose a third (or more) gimmick, but both teams would need to agree and may need permission from the TOs for gimmicks not on the list of preapproved ones. A list of gimmicks can be found below:

Gimmicks that randomize additional checks: Grimmkin Flames, Whispering Roots, Lore Tablets, Randomized Focus

Settings that alter logic with skips: Precise Movement, Background and Enemy Pogos, Infection Skips, No Swim/No Tear

Settings that alter how rando functions: Ghost Essence, Lemm/Junk Shops, Colo3 (the Glory of Being a Fool mod)

Gimmicks voted upon by rando community: Map Area transition rando, 3 Masks + 2 Charm notches, Split Claw, Fragile Charms being major items

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The winners of this tournament were Tim and Quatopine.




2023 Blackout TE Tournament

This tournament was a 2v2 double-elimination Blackout TE tournament that ran from March 3rd, 2023 to March 29th. It was restreamed on the HollowKnightCommunity Twitch channel and is now highlighted there.

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The winners of this tournament were aPress and Kuroshi.




2022 All Major Items Tournament

This tournament was a 2v2 double-elimination All Major Items tournament that ran from June 4th, 2022 to July 24th. It was restreamed on the HollowKnightCommunity Twitch channel and is now highlighted there.

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The winners of this tournament were BlossomtheCellist and Quatopine.



2022 Blackout TE Tournament

This was a single-elimination 2v2 blackout TE tournament tournament that took place on May 8, 2022, over the course of a single day. The tournament was restreamed on the HollowKnightCommunity Twitch channel. Unfortunately this tournament was not highlighted or hosted anywhere else.

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The winners of this tournament were BlossomtheCellist and Connoramon.


2020 Lockout Tournament

This was a 1v1 lockout randomizer bingo tournament for the Randomizer 3 mod for Hollow Knight, running from June 2020 to February 2021. The first round of the tournament consisted of 5 rounds of Swiss, and in the following round racers advanced to an upper or lower double-elimination bracket based on their performance.

The tournament was hosted on Speedgaming.

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The winners of this tournament were Banned Member (click to show) Kanra in the upper bracket, and Adyn99 in the lower bracket.


Swiss Bracket

Upper Bracket

Lower Bracket

2019 Invasion Tournament

This was a 1v1 invasion lockout tournament for the Randomizer2 mod hosted on the old community Twitch channel (HollowKnightSpeedruns). This tournament began with a group stage followed by a double elimination stage.

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The winners of this tournament were Homothety in first place, MageGi in second place, and Mickely in third place.

Watch (Group Stage)

Watch (Bracket Stage)


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A grub holding a heart