Common Settings for HKSC Races
If you're starting out with randomizer, you're encouraged to experiment with settings and play with what you like best. However, if you're interested in racing in the speedrunning community discord server, it's useful to know what settings are standard for races. It's important to note that the settings vary from format to format, and change over time as new things are added to the randomizer.
Lifetotems preset is a given for all HKSC races. Solo formats also turn on maps, junk pit chests, and static journal entries, and team formats such as 2v2 Blackout also turn on boss essence in addition to those. Lore tablets are turned on sometimes for both solo and team formats. Grubs will be synced in the case of team formats (ie in their own pool, sometimes with mimics) but the sync vanilla items setting in Itemsync is banned, and we don't sync simple key usages. Skip settings are usually none, unless the person making the settings feels like being quirky that day. Two shards per mask is usually turned on, especially if other connections are on. Random start, usually excluding KP. Dupe settings are usually the default for races in the interest of fairness. Sometimes, we may turn off dupe claw for solo formats.
Rando Plus settings are usually Nail Upgrades, 2 dupe ore and occasionally Full Flexible count. If More Locations is used, the settings toggled on are typically Stag Nest Egg and Baldur Shell Chest. ReopenCityDoor may be set to "unlockable", particularly for solo formats. Scatternest is used for team races, and almost always excludes Crystallized Mound start due to the high probability of a player getting stuck. Other connections may be turned on, but this is usually decided per-race.
If a rando tournament is ongoing, races are likely to use the default settings for that tournament.
Last Updated: 6/24/2024